Was at Nonquon about 4 pm.    The highlight was a single "long-lasting"
Wilson's Phalarope.   There were a number of Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs,
a few Least Sandpipers, 1 Solitary, 2 Dunlin, some Spotted Sandpipers,
Killdeers, about 50 Black Terns, many swallows including Tree, Barn, Bank,
Rough-winged and a couple of Cliff.  Among the ducks were Mallard, Lesser
Scaup, Northern Shoveler, 1 Ring-necked, plus Canada Goose families.  There
were tons of Redwings around the berms and quite a few Marsh Wrens.

Good birding !

Bruce F. Aikins
118 Morris Ln
Nestleton Stn, ON
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