I understand that this board is not normally to be used for discussions, but I 
feel it is important to reply to what Miranda O'Hara posted earlier. 

As a birder and an angler, I am not happy about this either. But it is legal 
to fish in any public water, unless there are specific laws regulating that 
waterbody. I doubt that there are for Reesor Pond. It is also important that 
there be no confrontation, because it is illegal to prevent someone from 
legally fishing. Here is an extract from the relevant law:

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

S.O. 1997, CHAPTER 41

Consolidation Period: From June 6, 2011 to the e-Laws currency date.

Last amendment: 2011, c. 9, Sched. 27, s. 26.



General Restrictions

Obstruction of hunting, trapping or fishing

13. (1) A person shall not interfere with lawful hunting, trapping or 
fishing by,

(a) tampering with traps, nets, bait, firearms or any other thing used for 
hunting, trapping or fishing;

(b) placing himself or herself in a position, for the purpose of 
interfering, that hinders or prevents hunting, trapping or fishing; or

(c) engaging in an activity, for the purpose of interfering, that disturbs 
or is likely to disturb wildlife or fish.

Notice without authority

(2) A person shall not purport to give notice that entry to premises is 
prohibited for the purpose of hunting or fishing or that hunting or fishing 
is prohibited on premises unless the person has authority to give the 
notice. 1997, c. 41, s. 13.


You may wish to contact a group known as the Toronto Urban Fishing 
Ambassadors, they are involved in local angling and may be of help in trying 
to reach a resolution. http://torontourbanfishing.com/

I would like to see some sort of control, if not an outright ban on fishing 
in small ponds that are both important staging areas, and a source of 
enjoyment for naturalists. A ban may be asking for too much, as it may 
involve several levels of government. But a restriction on some ponds may be 
a feasible goal, even if only during migratory periods.

I will be posting a copy of Miranda's post on various fishing boards that I 
participate in, in an attempt to educate local anglers about the problem and 
perhaps get some feedback about what can be done.

Dave Bailey

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