Today a small but eager group spurned dismal weather forecasts, donned rain 
suits, and set out to see what Westmeath Provincial Park would produce. We were 
not disappointed. The riverside vegetation produced a flock of eight Nelson's 
Sparrows which provided excellent views; at times up to five were visible, 
feeding at the tops of taller reeds -- a special shout out to Jon Ruddy for the 
up to the minute intel on this species. A sandbar immediately behind the 
sparrows had our best shore birding of the day, in the form of a dozen 
Black-bellied and two Golden Plover, also very well seen. A Dunlin and a second 
winter Lesser Black-backed Gull were the highlights at the Pembroke Marina. 
When we arrived at Lake Dore it was dead calm, but fog bound. Fortunately the 
fog lifted after a while and we had perfect conditions to pick out distant 
birds. No shearwaters (!) but the usual large numbers of Common Loon and 
Bonaparte's Gulls were present (both est. at 100+), recently joined by growing 
 ers of Red-necked (over a dozen) and Horned Grebes (40+). Two Bald Eagles did 
fly overs and a latish Spotted Sandpiper flew by at one point; a flock of six 
probable Surf Scoters were too distant to identify with certainty. There were 
lots of large mixed species flocks on the move, one contained three Pine 
Warblers, another had an Orange-crowned Warbler and a late/regionally uncommon 
Field Sparrow. An unusual highlight was a leuchistic White-crowned Sparrow: 
when first seen it reminded us of a canary. Our final stop, along the Snake 
River Line, produced a flock of ten Sandhill Crane. In total, 63 species were 
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provincial birding organization.
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