Detroit River Hawk Watch
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 19, 2016

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture             604          22053          23373
Osprey                       0              4             22
Bald Eagle                   2             37             91
Northern Harrier             2             69            292
Sharp-shinned Hawk          36           1208           3714
Cooper's Hawk                2             48             92
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk         11             66             67
Broad-winged Hawk            0            130          17529
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              0
Red-tailed Hawk             37            531            665
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              3              3
American Kestrel             3             64            542
Merlin                       0             17             35
Peregrine Falcon             0             22             26
Unknown Accipiter            0              2              5
Unknown Buteo                2             23             32
Unknown Falcon               0              0              2
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              1             12

Total:                     699          24278          46502

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Dustin Brewer

Observers:        Andrew Sturgess, Patrick Mulawa, Rosemary Brady

We had a nice group of visitors today, including a maximum of about 10 at
one time, at least one of which was from the east coast. 

The temperature was pleasantly warm all day, and a very light wind came
mostly from the southeast. Visibility became better as the day progressed,
beginning with a hazy view of the Canadian shoreline and ending with a very
clear view. 

Raptor Observations:
A couple 'Buteo' species (closely-related soaring hawks which are
classified by scientists in the same genus) returned today, with
Red-shouldered Hawks and Red-tailed Hawks taking a flight line to the north
of us. Several streams of Turkey Vultures also followed this line, while
some of the 'Accipiters' (another genus, including Cooper's Hawks and
Sharp-shinned Hawks), flew overhead. 

Non-raptor Observations:
We had our best American Crow migration day yet, with 212 of these big
birds flying over. Blue Jays (800+) and Red-winged Blackbirds (1,237+) were
migrating today, as were Monarch butterflies (23+). A few House finches
also flew over. 

There is a high chance of rain all day tomorrow, which won't be good for
seeing migrating raptors. 
Report submitted by Detroit River Hawk Watch (
Detroit River Hawk Watch information may be found at: 

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