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David Pryor, Nancy McPherson and I saw the Western Sandpiper again today.

We also saw a interesting Sandpiper in with the Dunlin. It was comparable in size and shape to the Dunlin, but with a noticeably longer bill, and distinct white supercilium‎. We were considering that it might be a Curlew Sandpiper when the birds decided to flush. The only concern that we have is that the bill while long and tapering didn't have the gradual curve that I ‎would expect to see on a Curlew. This bird's bill tended to bend near the end, Unfortunately  my camera was in the car because of the heavy rain showers.

Keep your eyes open for this bird if you are coming to check out the large number of shorebirds present here.

‎Directions: these flats are east of Maitland on the south side of Feeder Canal Rd. Look for an opening in the brush and walk down to the fence. The birds were moving around a lot. 

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.

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