Cranberry Marsh Hawkwatch

Whitby, Ontario

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Total Species: 11


Turkey Vulture 298

Bald Eagle 3 

Northern Harrier 6

Sharp-shinned Hawk 14

Cooper's Hawk 2

Northern Goshawk 3 (this is a minor irruption year)

Red-shouldered Hawk 16

Red-tailed Hawk 165 (many Northern Red-taileds subspecies abieticola were

Rough-legged Hawk 3 ( 2 light morph, 1 dark morph)

Golden Eagle 3

Peregrine Falcon 2

Unidentified 2

Total Individuals: 522

Observation time: 6.5 hours


Official Counter: Jean Iron. Many thanks especially to Eleanor Beagan and
Jerry Ball. Observers: Rick LaForest, Karl Jennewein, Jackie McBlain, Bruce
and Ann Falls.


Other Birds: 14 Rusty Blackbirds feeding on the path, 2 Fox Sparrows, 1
Wilson's Snipe, 29 Wild Turkeys, 84 American Pipits, 45 Snow Buntings, 1000
Canada Geese and 3 Cackling Geese.


Weather: Clear blue skies in the morning, temp -1C to start, light north
wind becoming calm in the afternoon with overcast skies.


OFO Fall Hawkwatching Guide


Directions: Exit from the 401 at Brock St. in Whitby. Go south on Brock St.
to Victoria St. Go west on Victoria to Halls Road. Go south on Halls Rd to

the second walkway to Cranberry Marsh.


Data will be submitted to HMANA and eBird.


Jean Iron

Toronto ON




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