Long Point Bird Observatory Sightings Board Update: October 22-29, 2016

Cold weather brought with it typical late season migrants and there were also a 
few surprises over the past week. Waterfowl numbers, particularly among diving 
ducks, were at some of their highest levels yet this fall. While most 
Sharp-shinned Hawks seemed to have passed through, Golden Eagles and other 
raptors made for interesting sky-watching. Jaegers continued to be seen 
throughout the past week from the Tip and the mainland, and Lake Erie provided 
a handful of other treats as well, including a Harlequin Duck and Sabine's 
Gull. American Pipits, American Robins, Eastern Bluebirds and Purple Finches 
pushed through in large numbers on several mornings. Massive flocks of Icterids 
were roosting in the Long Point marshes nightly. Tufted Titmice appeared in 
unusual numbers at Old Cut and a new species was added to LPBO's list of banded 
birds: a Barred Owl. Migration monitoring, including Northern Saw-whet Owl 
banding continues at Old Cut and


Greater White-fronted Goose - There were two at Turkey Point October 26 (SM).

Cackling Goose - Eight were among the Canada Geese at Lee Brown Wildlife 
Management Area October 26 (AB, WBE).

Trumpeter Swan - Once again the bird bearing wing tag R63 was seen at Big Creek 
National Wildlife Area October 23 (BE, JL, KK). An untagged bird flew over Old 
Cut October 27 (AB).

Redhead - The highest single-day count for the season so far was 45,000 flying 
over Old Cut October 28 (LPBO).

Canvasback - The highest single-day count for the season so far was 2500 at Old 
Cut October 24 (MAC).

Harlequin Duck - A male was at the Tip October 29 (LPBO).

Cattle Egret - One was in a pasture at the corner of 7th Concession Road and 
Hazen Road October 24-29 (M. Obs).

Golden Eagle - October 22 was a good day for Golden Eagles: one flew over West 
Quarter Line Road (AT), two flew over Port Rowan (SAM) and Old Cut (MAC, SAM), 
and five flew over the Coves viewpoint (SAM). Three were spotted over Old Cut 
October 28 (AB).

Northern Goshawk - One was seen in Port Rowan October 22 (SAM). Two other birds 
were seen at Old Cut October 23 and 26 (MAC).

Rough-legged Hawk - The first of the fall was at Old Cut October 22 (AT, MAC, 

American Golden-Plover - A flock of eight were observed from Old Cut October 22 

White-rumped Sandpiper - One flew past 'New' Long Point Provincial Park in the 
company of Dunlin October 26 (MAC).

Parasitic Jaeger - One was at the Tip October 24 (AB, WE). One was filmed and 
photographed chasing Bonaparte's Gulls near the beach of 'New' Long Point 
Provincial Park October 26 (AB, IJA). Another was observed at the Tip and 
Turkey Point October 29 (MRI, SAM).

Sabine's Gull - A young bird was seen from 'New' Long Point Provincial Park 
October 26 (MAC).

Little Gull - Six were at the Tip October 22 (LPBO), and one was there October 
24 (IJA). One was at Turkey Point October 23 (EG). Eight flew past 'New' Long 
Point Provincial Park October 26 (MAC). Twelve were observed at Turkey Point 
October 29 (SAM).

Lesser Black-backed Gull - One was observed at the Tip October 22-28 (LPBO).

Eastern Screech-Owl - One was heard singing at the Tip October 28 (LPBO), an 
unusual location for this species.

Barred Owl - The first ever Barred Owl banded at LPBO was caught at the Tip 
October 25 (LPBO).

Long-eared Owl - One was observed being eaten by the Barred Owl at the Tip 
October 24 (LPBO).

Short-eared Owl - One was observed at the Tip October 23 (LPBO).

Northern Saw-whet Owl - The highest single-night banding total for owls so far 
this fall was 30, captured at Old Cut October 25-26 (BAH, YTL).

Eastern Wood-Pewee - A very late bird was at the Tip October 23 (IJA).

Northern Rough-winged Swallow - A late bird flew over Old Cut October 23 (BR, 

Tufted Titmouse - Three were banded at Old Cut October 25. All three of those 
birds as well as the one banded on October 14 were recaptured at Old Cut over 
the past week (LPBO). Another bird visited a feeder in Port Rowan October 29 

Northern Mockingbird - One was at the Port Rowan Wetland October 23 (RB, SAM). 
Likely the same bird was at the Bird Studies Canada Headquarters October 28 

American Pipit - The highest single-day count for the season so far was 72 at 
Old Cut October 22 (MAC).

Snow Bunting - The first of the fall were at the Tip October 23 (LPBO).

Northern Parula - A late bird was at the Tip October 22 (LPBO).

Evening Grosbeak - One flew over Old Cut October 25 (MAC).

Observers: Jody Allair (JA), Isabel Apkarian (IJA), Rex Bartlett (RB), Alvan 
Buckley (AB), Mark Conboy (MAC), Brandon Edwards (BE), Willow English (WBE), 
Eric Giles (EG), Bruce Harlow (BAH), Matt Ilies (MRI), Kevin Kemmish (KK), 
Jacob Lachapelle (JL), Yaquelin Leyva (YTL), Bill Read (BR), Stu Mackenzie 
(SAM), Steve Moore (SM), Adam Timpf (AT), Antoine Turcotte-van de Rydt (AT), 
Jonathan Wilhelm (JW), and Long Point Bird Observatory staff (LPBO).

Period Banding Totals
OC       369
BW      Closed for the Season
Tip       520

Season Banding Totals
OC       3380
BW      1406
Tip       2364

Explore the Long Point Birding 
Updates of the birds in the area can be viewed through 
eBird<http://www.ebird.ca/> on LPBO's main 
web-page<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/longpoint/index.jsp?lang=EN>. You can help 
contribute to sightings in the Long Point area by submitting your sightings to 
eBird<http://www.ebird.ca/> or by sharing them with us at 
l...@birdscanada.org<mailto:l...@birdscanada.org>. For more information on the 
research, education, and training programs of LPBO select this 
link<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/longpoint/index.jsp?lang=EN> and check out the 2015 
LPBO Program Report<http://www.bsc-eoc.org/library/LPBOreport.pdf>. Your best 
source for information about the birds and birding sites around Long Point can 
be found in A Birding Guide to the Long Point Area by Ron Ridout available at 
the LPBO Shoppe and BSC headquarters.

Stuart A. Mackenzie
Migration Program Manager
Bird Studies Canada | Études d'Oiseax Canada
PO Box 160, 115 Front Rd. Port Rowan, Ontario. N0E 1M0.
Office: (519)-586-3531 X 162 | Facsimile:586-3532 | Mobile:820-6040


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