Greetings birders:

About 25 birders enjoyed a unique combination of 53 species during today's
OFO outing between Cobourg, Port Hope and Presqu'ile Provincial Park. How
many times can an Ontarian say they saw an ibis, a warbler and a Snowy Owl
in the same day? The weather couldn't have been better either, with
above-zero temperatures, little wind and bouts of sunlight.

*Cobourg Harbour*
We dipped on the Harlequin Duck seen yesterday, but had solid looks at
RED-THROATED LOONS off the pier. The nice collection of gulls and waterfowl
in the harbour included female HOODED MERGANSERS, several COMMON MERGANSERS
and a small group of aerobatic BONAPARTE'S GULLS. Some heard a GREATER
YELLOWLEGS fly over around 8:30am.

*A.K.Sculthorpe (Lake Street) Marsh, Port Hope*
The juvenile GLOSSY IBIS found yesterday in Port Hope offered us greedy,
walk-away looks at close range mid-morning. The intermittent sunlight
illuminated the dull glossy green on its back, as well as the bright glossy
green on the heads of nearby male MALLARDS.

*Owen Point/Gull Island (Tombolo)/Sebastopol Island, Presqu'ile P.P.*
With Gull Island attached to Owen Point (thus making it a tombolo), we
enjoyed this rare chance for a wading-free circuit of Gull Island/Tombolo.
All 3 species of swans fed in a group just east of tiny Sebastopol Island
(formerly a tombolo). A female SNOWY OWL showed well on the small island
itself, while a group of 11 SNOW BUNTINGS came and went. By far the
highlight of this site, however, were the 3 PURPLE SANDPIPERS feeding at
close range at northwest corner of Gull Island/Tombolo in beautiful direct

*Marsh across from the Camp Office, Presqu'ile P.P.*
We made a quick stop at the Camp Office marsh lookout to enjoy the dabbling
ducks, namely some dapper GREEN-WINGED TEAL.

*Salt Point, Presqu'ile P.P.*
2 RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS at close range here made it a 3-merganser day. A
presumed BALD EAGLE soared distantly across the bay. A SONG SPARROW
appeared in a small flurry of songbirds at the base of the point, above
which a docile BELTED KINGFISHER sat in plain view.

*Gilmour residence, Presqu'ile P.P.*
We capped the day with great looks at an energetic YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER --
likely the same bird that has been seen at various locations along Bayshore
Road in recent days.

Many thanks to Richard Pope and Margaret Bain for their tips on birds in
the Cobourg and Port Hope area; Maureen Riggs for her keen eyes and
logistical support; and Bill Gilmour for his local insights and access to
the family property.

It might be difficult to top today's outing next year, but we're already
looking forward to 2017!

Good birding and season's greetings,

Ian and Sofia Shanahan
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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