During our annual Bradford area CBC on Dec 30, Mike Van den Tillaart, Aileen 
Barclay, Dorothy Brace and I found an adult Peregrine Falcon perched in the 
small woodlot behind the Ansnorveldt School and baseball diamonds. Ansnorveldt 
is north of Hwy 9 and just west of Newmarket, on the eastern edge of the 
Holland Marsh vegetable fields. It was the start of an excellent day in the 
Also found along the many little roads of the marsh were three Snowy Owls, a 
3rd-year Bald Eagle, 400+ Snow Buntings, two Cooper's Hawks, a Sharp-shinned 
Hawk, a Red-bellied Woodpecker, a Pileated Woodpecker, and ten White-crowned 
Sparrows. The latter species, ranging from a pair to a flock of 30, has been 
found wintering in the marsh for a decade.
The Holland Marsh vegetable fields are located on both sides of Hwy 400, north 
of Hwy 9 roughly 30 minutes north of Toronto. A scope is recommended. 
Ron Fleming, Newmarket
PS - would have posted earlier but thought the count coordinator might send CBC 
results and I didn't want to send repetitive info.
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