Hi Ontbirders:
Billings Bridge on the Rideau River in Ottawa continues to be a hotspot for 
overwintering ducks and their predators. Today in the open waters around the 
bridge, among the hundreds of Mallards and Black Ducks, an American Wigeon and 
a Wood Duck continue to feed on the grain handouts left everyday on the ice by 
duck fanciers. There are also a few Common Merganser and Common Goldeneye in 
the open water. As well, one Canada Goose and a peculiar all black duck (even 
the head) with a white patch on the breast were present. Taking advantage of 
the large number of waterfowl was an adult Bald Eagle that landed on the ice 
close to the ducks. He left downriver without any prey . The Red-tailed Hawk 
that was seen previously several times at the site was not evident today.
Good birding
Peter Hall
Directions: From Highway 417 in downtown Ottawa head south on Bank Street for 
about  two km until it crosses over the Rideau River at Billings Bridge. There 
is parking on the nearby residential streets.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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