This morning there is a nice selection of waterfowl concentrated in a large 
hole in the ice just off the Harbour Street Parkette just east of the 
Presqu'ile Park entrance.  This may be getting to be the last chance to see 
waterfowl concentrated by ice in this area.

Three species of Swan (16 Tundra)
Canada Geese
Hooded Mergansers
Ring-necked Ducks
Black Duck
Wood Duck

I have not been in the park this AM but suspect another 3-5 species could be 
seen in the area with little effort

To reach Harbour Street and Presqu'ile Park
Exit 401 at exit 509 south on Hwy 30.
Continue straight through lights and road turns into Prince Edward Street
Turn right on Cedar Straight (it looks like you are going straight)
Turn right on Harbour Street.

Parkette is on your left with a nice pull-off

Continue to the end of Harbour Street, turn right onto Ontario and left 
immediately onto Presqu'ile Parkway and follow the road into the park.


David Bree
Sr. Natural Heritage Education Leader
Presqu'ile Provincial Park
328 Presqu'ile Parkway
Brighton, ON.
K0K 1H0
613 475-4324 ext 225<>

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