The long-staying King Eider (1st winter male) is still present. If you're
looking for it for your first time (as I did today), it will help you to
know that it is in the harbour - not the open water. You need to walk around
to the south side of the harbour. It is congregating with a bunch of
mallards and is often very close to shore.


Other nice birds there today were 3 male Ring-Necked Ducks (in the open
water to the east), a number of Red Necked Grebes (spring plumage), and a
Snowy Owl who, while sitting on the dock, was literally being dive-bombed by
very noisy crows. (I felt sorry for the owl). Hordes of ducks in the open
water, including large numbers of Common Goldeneye.


Directions: Col. Sam Smith Park is at the bottom of Kipling Avenue in


Good birding!


Jack Alvo, Toronto




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