Today Bob Tyler and I birded Ward’s Island and despite the cool wind we did 
find a few nice birds.

On Lake Ontario off Ward’s Island we found Red-necked and Horned Grebes, all 
close in near the boardwalk but the surprise was a nice Eared Grebe (halfway 
between winter and breeding plumage)only about 50 feet off the boardwalk.

We also found first of the season for us – Fox Sparrow and Yellow-rumped 
Warbler along with the usual suspects

Bird numbers were down from earlier in the week except for passing Red-winged 
Blackbirds, Common Grackles and Brown-headed Cowbirds  and of course 
Double-crested Cormorants which are way up..

Note:- Tomorrow the ferry is still on the Winter schedule but Friday all 3 
ferries start the Spring schedule.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada

You can't see birds if you don't go out but sit and wait for others to find 
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