Ontario birders,

An update of the birds observed in the Long Point area to May 15 is below. In 
addition to all the expected species highlights include: Eurasian Collared 
Dove, Cassin's Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow, Summer Tanager and Yellow-headed 

For real-time updates from the area visit www.ebird.ca, and explore data from 
Norfolk County. To learn where to bird, explore the Long Point Birding Trail. 
You can help contribute to sightings in the Long Point area by submitting your 
sightings to eBird or by sharing them with us at l...@birdscanada.org. For more 
information on the research, education, and training programs of LPBOselect 
this link and check out the 2016 LPBO Program Report. Your best source for 
information about the birds and birding sites around Long Point can be found in 
A Birding Guide to the Long Point Area by Ron Ridout available at the LPBO 
Shoppe and BSC headquarters.

The long-lasting low pressure system that remained over the area the beginning 
of May put a significant damper on migration but the tide finally broke May 9 
when thousands of new arrivals streamed onto Long Point. The majority of 
activity the rest of the week was largely the leftovers from this main event 
until May 13 &14 when there was spectacular movement of migrants. May 14 in 
particular was one of those days when the conditions were just right - 
southerly winds overnight and light rain showers early in the morning which 
grounded tens of thousands of migrants. The activity was greatest between about 
0700 and 1000 by which point most migrants had dispersed to the mainland. 
Despite there being great diversity the mix of species was still somewhat 
'early' with more typical temperate migrants still being quite abundant. Expect 
diversity to remain high this next week as the majority of Neotropical migrants 
are set to move through. Given the forecast, there may not be much to slow them 


Trumpeter Swan - A wing-tagged bird hung around Old Cut and the 'New' Long 
Point Provincial Park for the past week (M. Obs). An immature was also observed 
in the Turkey Point Marsh May 12 (TH). 

Red-throated Loon - There were daily sightings at the Tip (LPBO) with a high 
count of 30 May 12 (LPBO) and a single flyover at Old Cut May 7 (SJ). 

Least Bittern - One was observed at Breakwater May 5 (PD), and at Old Cut May 7 
& 8 (MC). One was banded at Breakwater May 14 (LPBO). 

Northern Goshawk - One was observed at the Tip May 9 (LPBO).

Sora - One heard at Old Cut May 4 and another May 8 (SAM). Numerous individuals 
can be heard and observed at the Port Rowan Wetland. 

White-rumped Sandpiper - One was observed in a flooded field on Hwy 24 north of 
Turkey Point May 4 (TH). 

Long-billed Dowitcher - Two were observed at Dedrick Creek on Concession 1 May 
4 (RR).

Lesser Yellowlegs - A record 205 Lesser Yellowlegs were counted in the Big 
Creek lowlands at the East ΒΌ Line May 7 (RR).

Little Gull - One was observed flying over Old Cut May 4 (SAM). 

Lesser Black-backed Gull - Two were observed at the Tip May 7 and one May 9 

Glaucous Gull - A second-year bird was observed at The Tip May 4 (MI). 

Eurasian Collared Dove - One was observed at The Tip May 9 -10 (LPBO). 

Eastern Whip-poor-will - One was heard at Breakwater May 9 and numerous are 
establishing territories elsewhere on Long Point (KC). 

Peregrine Falcon - One observed at Breakwater May 3 and at the Tip May 14 

Willow Flycatcher - First of the year was heard at the BSC Headquarters May 11 

Olive-sided Flycatcher - The first of the year was observed at the Tip May 9 
(LPBO) and another at Old Cut May 14 (SAM). 

White-eyed Vireo - One observed at The Tip May 10 (LPBO). 

Yellow-throated Vireo - One was observed at the Tip May 9 and one was banded 
May 13 (LPBO). 

Tufted Titmouse - At least two birds were observed daily at Old Cut (M. Obs). 

Sedge Wren - One was observed at The Tip May 9 (LPBO). 

Warblers: 30 species were observed throughout the period with 20 to 25 on a 
daily basis. 

Cerulean Warbler - One male was observed at Old Cut May 14 (SAM). 

Louisiana Waterthrush - One was banded at Breakwater May 4 (LPBO).

Golden-winged Warbler - An adult male was banded at Old Cut May 10, a pair was 
banded May 13 (LPBO), and a male was observed on May 14 (SAM). 

Lawrence's Warbler - One was observed singing the Golden-winged song at Old Cut 
May 12 (BB). 

Prothonotary Warbler - One was observed at the Tip May 11 (PD) and an adult 
male was observed singing at Old Cut May 14 (SAM). 

Orange-crowned Warbler - One was observed at the Tip May 7 (LPBO), one was 
observed at Old Cut with another banded there May 14 (LPBO).

Hooded Warbler - One was banded at Old Cut May 3 with others observed May 5 and 
7 and banded at Old Cut May 12 and 13 (LPBO).

Cassin's Sparrow - The same individual was observed again at the Tip May 12 

Grasshopper Sparrow - One was banded at the Tip May 14 (LPBO). There are many 
territories in grasslands on the mainland. 

Clay-coloured Sparrow - One was observed at Breakwater May 4 (KC), at Old Cut 
May 12 (SAM), banded at the Tip May 13, and observed on the Hasting's Drive May 
14 and banded at Breakwater (SAM, LPBO). 

Oregon Junco - One was observed at Old Cut May 6 (YSA). 

Harris's Sparrow - One young looking bird was observed on Hastings Drive May 14 

Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow - Four were banded at Breakwater this period 

Summer Tanager - One young male was observed at the Tip May 9 (LPBO) and a 
female was observed at Old Cut May 15 (SAM). 

Yellow-headed Blackbird - One was observed at Dedrick Creek on Concession 1 May 
6 (SAM).

Observers: Yousif Attia (YSA), Brendan Boyd (BB), Kyle Cameron (KC), Mark 
Conboy (MC), Tyler Hoar (TH), Matt Iles (MI), Stuart Mackenzie (SAM), Colin 
McShane (CM), Ron Ridout (RR), Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO).

Good birding,


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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