We arrived at Garringer and Wilson roads about 9:30 and birded the area for over an hour with no luck on Jun 9. Went on to Ft. Erie to view the Brown Pelican from Bowen park and it was flying around and landed on the green buoy. Went back to try again for the Chat, as previous directions implied that it was see after 11:00 or 1:00. We walked both directions and back along Garringer Rd. with no luck.*If anyone detects the Chat today, please post to Ontbirds so we can go back and try again* tomorrow. A phone call charged to me would be just as good. E-bird is nice but not quick enough; an E-bird report of our sightings will follow.

Directions from Dunville: follow Hwy. 3 east toward Ft. Erie. Go through Wainfleet where Hwy. 3 becomes Niagara Regional Rd. 3 and turn left on Garringer Road: follow it to the end where it meets Wilson Rd. Previous directions noted that the Chat was seen about 100 metres north on Wilson looking west into the scrubby secondary forest.

To view the Brown Pelican, follow Wison Rd. south and turn left on Reg. Rd. 3 (Wilson ends at that stop sign I believe). follow Road 3 to the end in Ft. Erie and turn left on Central Ave. This ends at Bowen Park at the Niagara Parkway. Stop there or you will drive right into the river. Look across to the Green buoy and along the marina with a scope.

I truly appreciated the great directions everyone left for us! The marker on E-bird places the Chat in the Wainfleet Bog parking area, contrary to the true directions.

Ken (and Angie) Williams, Hamilton

905 870 8584

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