The 24 participants focused on Colonel Samuel Smith Park on Lake Ontario for 4 
hours of birding, as I had another commitment in the afternoon. 
The cumulative total for the group was 63 species plus two other taxa. The 
birding was relatively slow at first as the winds were from the northeast and 
there were few birds on the lake. Things picked up around 10 AM as the 
temperature rose and we had an excellent mixed group of birds in the bowl area 
at the northeast part of the park. We tallied 16 species of warbler and had a 
very obliging Common Nighthawk which flushed and flew in a tight circle then 
promptly landed on a branch, allowing excellent views. A few members of the 
group spotted an early adult White-crowned Sparrow and a Gray-cheeked Thrush. 
The complete checklist is available here:
Good birding,Garth
Garth Riley Etobicoke, Ontario
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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