The 84th consecutive Fall Field Day was held under sunny skies and very
mild temperatures. We found a very good total of 156 species, seven of
which were at all time record highs.  Highest team total was 124 followed
by 2 others over 100.

A Le Conte's Sparrow at West Side marsh was the first ever since former
organizer TOC moved the venue to Durham region in 1944. Also very unusual
was the report of 30 Virginia and 17 Sora Rails calling at Reach marsh in
the miidle of the night. We had 2 early Long-billed Dowitchers one of which
was on the east side of Cranberry marsh.. The 2 Least Bitterns at Second
Marsh were the first for the count in 20 years,

There were only 2 small kettles of Broad-wings up at Durham Forest and
raptor counts were generally low in the light SW winds. An interesting
sighting was of a male Eurasian/American Wigeon hybrid at the causeway near
Port Perry. Both Milbert's and Compton Tortoiseshell butterflies were the
best reports among other critters.

Many thanks to Brian Henshaw plus Kim and Simon for hosting a fun roundup.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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