Yesterday morning the 6 greater White-Fronted Gees were still there, but much 
further back.  
Follow Garth’s directions.  Then go further.
Continue past the beach to the next bridge.  Look right.

  They were way back  telescope necessary.   I did not explore if there were 
trails back there


Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Garth Riley via ONTBIRDS
Sent: October 20, 2017 3:48 PM
To: Ontbirds
Subject: [Ontbirds] Greater White-fronted Geese, Snow Geese, and CacklingGoose 
- Earl Rowe Provincial Park

Nancy and I dropped by to see the Snow and Cackling Geese reported earlier this 
week by John Schemelefske earlier this week. Some of these geese are still 
present and we also found six Greater White-fronted Geese fairly close to the 

Directions: Find your way to the entrance to Earl Rowe PP, Park at the entrance 
gate and walk in past the staff booth. Keep right and walk towards the lake. 
Just as you reach the bridge (dam) look left. The GWFG were on the edge of a 
small island.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.

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