Hi Ontbirders
Well it was another exciting day in Canada's capital!  The Razorbill was
found  today by Jon Ruddy and Ottawa birders experienced another
fallout/flight from the north. After a few days of good birding a number of
us were stationed at various vantage points along the south side of Lake
Deschenes (Ottawa River) and we weren't disappointed. With the continuing
unsettled weather there was a good movement of waterbirds. Highlights
included a small flight of Brant, likely 400+, 1 Purple Sandpiper, 4
Red-throated Loons, 250+ Dunlin, 1 Black-bellied Plover and 1 Greater
Yellowlegs. So in general, lots of waterbirds on the move south as
temperatures drop in the north. Lots of possibilities.
With Jon Ruddy at Dick Bell Park, Mike Tate at Andrew Haydon Park and
myself  along with others at Britannia Pier it was a interesting time and
lots of texting to keep up with all the observations. What a change in
birding!  The highlight of the day was the Razorbill observed in flight by
Jon Ruddy as it landed off Dick Bell Park. The word went out and numerous
birders got to see this rarity.  This represents the second record for the
Ottawa-Gatineau 50 km district and one of the few records for eastern
Ontario.  There is a specimen record from October 14,1950 in Big Rideau
Lake,Lanark County, a photographic record of a specimen from Wolfe Island
on November 29, 1984, a record from Lake Dore, Renfrew county, December
1-5,1989, and another sight record from the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall
on November 27, 1987. The first record for the Ottawa District was found on
October 22,2011 by Mark Gawn and was last observed on November 1, 2011.I
would watch out for anything along the Ottawa River since these birds are
likely from the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Anything is possible!

Good birding,

Directions: Check along the Ottawa off Carling Ave. between Dick Bell Park
and Britannia. Also check Deschenes Rapids below Britannia.

Bruce Di Labio
P.O.Box 538
K0A 1L0

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