Hello all,

  A Townsend's Solitaire was found today at the Guelph Lake Nature Centre on 
Conservation Rd by Greg Meredith and Ann Schletz.

Mike Cadman and myself viewed to bird around 4 pm. It was seen below the Nature 
Centre parking area close to a line of cedars at the edge of the lake.

There is a good food supply so chances are it may stick around. This is 
basically the same area as the 2014 Varied Thrush but closer to the nature 

Not sure about access during the day as the centre runs classes....


Take Victoria Rd N out of Guelph which becomes Wellington Rd 38

Turn Right onto Conservation Rd, the nature centre parking lot is about 1km on 
the right (south side) just after the gate for the dam.

Good birding!

Dan MacNeal

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