The 47th annual Meaford CBC was held on Thursday Dec 28 under cold, but 
windless conditions. The temp held at around -19 through the day, the morning 
was cloudy, and visibility along the waterfront was very limited by a heavy 
'sea steam'/fog vapour rising from the lake.  Light, fine snow particles in the 
air further reduced visibility. Deep soft snow limited off-road traipsing.  
However, the skies cleared by noon and afternoon conditions were clear, calm, 
bright and sunny.
54 species were tallied; up from the last 20 year average of 49.7 and 
reflecting the continuing trend towards higher species counts in the more 
recent years of the Meaford CBC.  Total  individuals was 3817, slightly lower 
than average. 

No new species were found, leaving the cumulative count total at 120.

Three new highs were recorded:Red-breasted Merganser - 27 (18 in 
2013)Red-breasted Nuthatch - 26 (22 in 1972)Dark-eyed Junco - 175 (81 in 2007)

Less usual species included 1 Greater Scaup (3rd record),  1 Northern Flicker 
(11th record).

Winter finches included 12 Purples, 2 White-winged Crossbills and 16 Common 

2 Canada Geese were low for recent years although they are absent altogether 
every several years. House Finch (including one male counted in the bill of a 
Northern Shrike) were back to a low count of 10, after recent better years.

Bald Eagle was missed for the first time in 5 years. They are out there.  2 
Golden Eagle confirmed their continuing trend of overwintering in the area. 
Cooper's Hawk was absent for the first time in 10 years.

Many thanks to all who participated!
Lynne Richardson, 

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provincial birding organization.
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