Greater White-fronted Goose
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
Tundra Swan
Wood Duck
American Wigeon
American Black Duck
Northern Pintail
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Greater Scaup
King Eider
Harlequin Duck
Common x Barrow's Goldeneye
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Turkey Vulture
Bald Eagle
American Woodcock
Snowy Owl
Northern Shrike
Common Raven
Eastern Bluebird
Lapland Longspur
Fox Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Pine Siskin

Alas spring is finally in the air or at least hope of spring.  Warmer
temperatures have brought in migrating waterfowl, Killdeer, American
Woodcock and Blackbirds.  Let's start at the top though. The TUFTED DUCK
that has been around for the last couple of weeks was last seen at
Windermere Basin last Saturday with no reports since.  It is likely still in
the area but with the Hamilton Harbour opening up to ice, it could be tricky
to find but large flocks of Greater Scaup are a good place to start.  

A surprise sighting two days ago was of a male YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD on
the very edge of the HSA near Smithville.  The bird was photographed at 2060
Port Davidson Road, about 3 km south of Smithville. A search yesterday did
not relocate the bird.

The warm weather has brought in a boat load of waterfowl.  As of this
evening, 11 Greater White-fronted Geese were seen on 8th Road East at dusk
along with 18 Cackling Geese seen on 5th Road East.  Other waterfowl seen up
here in Saltfleet include, Snow Goose, Wood Duck, Gadwall, American Wigeon,
Black Duck, Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal and in the
odd department a pair of Common Goldeneye.  Tundra Swans have also started
to move with 17 being seen on Glancaster Road just south of Fiddler's Green.
I expect more will move over the weekend as fields south of here are
reporting large flocks of Tundra's.  A single Killdeer was seen on Wyecroft
Road in Oakville. Last night, probably one of the earliest records on file
of American Woodcock was reported from the traditional site on York Road
(Hopkins Tract).  Large groups of blackbirds including Red-winged
Blackbirds, Common Grackle and Brown-headed Cowbirds came in on Tuesday but
have since receded a bit.  

In the odds and sods this week, a Ross's Goose and 2 Snow Geese were seen at
Bronte Harbour.  Another Snow Goose was seen up near Milton on James Snow
parkway between Louis St Laurent and Britannia.  A good sized group of
Canvasbacks were seen off Bayshore Park in Burlington, there have been very
few reports this winter so likely migrants.  King Eider has been seen along
the west end of the lake and one was nicely photographed at 40 mile Creek in
Grimsby.  The female Harlequin duck continues to be seen west of the
Burlington side of the Ship Canal where it has been for some weeks.  The
Common x Barrow's Goldeneye continues to hang out near Confederation Park.
A truly significant number of Red-throated Loons (11) and Common Loons (2)
were seen off LaSalle Marina last Sunday. A Turkey Vulture was seen near
Bronte Creek Provincial Park.  Out on the Hamilton Harbour, any floating
island of ice seems to have a Bald Eagle on it.  A Merlin was seen
terrorizing starlings at Elfrida.  Snowy Owls are still in the area with
birds being seen in the Saltfleet area and three down in the vicinity of
Bronte Harbour and the Suncor Pier in Oakville.  Northern Shrikes  were
reported from Peter's Corners in Flamborough, on Green Mountain and Sixth
Road East and on 10th Road East in Saltfleet. Common Ravens are likely
nesters in the quarry on 10th Road East.  Eastern Bluebirds are actively
checking out boxes near Sawmill Road in Ancaster.  A Fox Sparrow is
frequenting a feeder in the same location with a group of White-crowned
Sparrows.  Lapland Longspurs are on the move, several smaller flocks were
seen along the lakeshore with the warm weather.  Pine Siskins are also on
the move with a large flock of over 100 seen near 11 Concession East in
Flamborough, several other flocks have been reported throughout the area
including Dundas Valley.

Look for a change in the landscape as temperatures rise this weekend.  Get
out and check the flooded fields around the area and your local patch.
Eurasian Wigeon and Yellow-headed Blackbird are reachable goals. Report your
sightings here.

Good birding,
Cheryl Edgecombe


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