Hello fellow birders:
Just a short about today's TOC outing. It was a beautiful clear sunny day with 
fairly strong north winds to remind us winter hasn't quite left us yet. 
Kai Millyard, myself and 25 other birders enjoyed a decent outing tallying 48 
species on the day. We made stops at Humber Bay East and West, Colonel Samuel 
Smith Park, and LaSalle Park and Woodland Cemetery in Burlington. 
Birds were pretty scarce in the west end of Toronto with highlights being an 
American Coot at Humber Bay East and a cooperative Cooper's Hawk at Humber Bay 
West. At LaSalle Park we had great looks at a drake Wood Duck, five distant 
Red-throated Loons and eight Canvasback. Two Bald Eagles gave decent looks at 
Woodland Cemetery. Those who stayed behind after I left heard a Carolina Wren 
and saw a Sharp-shinned Hawk here as well.
Good birding,Garth and Kai  
Garth Riley Etobicoke, Ontario rile...@yahoo.com
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