Grimsby, ON - Beamer Conservation Area
Grimsby, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 31, 2018

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              7              7
Turkey Vulture             122           1325           1341
Osprey                       0              0              0
Bald Eagle                   4             26             30
Northern Harrier             0              2              2
Sharp-shinned Hawk           8             24             24
Cooper's Hawk                1             25             25
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk         21            147            149
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0              0
Red-tailed Hawk             54            450            471
Rough-legged Hawk            1              3              5
Golden Eagle                 0              2              2
American Kestrel             1              5              5
Merlin                       0              2              2
Peregrine Falcon             0              3              3
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              6              6
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              0              0

Total:                     212           2027           2072

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Phil Waggett

Observers:        Bruce Campbell, Keith Dieroff, Phil Martin, Rayfield Pye

Keith Dierhoff, Rayfield Pye, Bruce Campbell, Nathan Hood (from Cambridge),
and Phil Martin (from Milton) helped spot and identify the birds.  Several
families and individuals were visiting today and interested in the raptor

The day started out clear and sunny but by 11 am had completely clouded
over with light wispy overcast conditions which continued to thicken until
heavily overcast by 2 pm.
The dominant weather feature today were the very strong SW winds which
pushed the flight out over the plain and below the escarpment where it
could not be observed.   Significant wind chill for winds out of the

Raptor Observations:
The counted flight was dominated by turkey vultures and red-tails.  4 bald
eagles were counted--two adults, 1-4th yr. bird, and 1-1st year bird.  The
rough-leg was a dark bird.
Observers at the point/lookout noted a strong flight below the escarpment. 
When I left Beamer at 5 pm, I counted 38 turkey vultures (not reported)
along old Hwy 8 between Mountain Road and Casablanca.  Local tv's,
red-tails, and coops were all active today.

Non-raptor Observations:
A significant increase in migratory activity was noted today with larger
numbers of blackbirds and robins observed.  Notable birds included sandhill
cranes (6, with one group of 4), killdeer (3), tundra swan (4), raven,
belted kingfisher, great blue heron (3).

Winds will change to more westerly, still strong but less so than today. 
With apparently more birds in the pipeline, we could have a better count.
Report submitted by Phil Waggett (
Grimsby, ON - Beamer Conservation Area information may be found at:

More site information at

Site Description:
Hawk migration monitoring at the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area in
Grimsby, Ontario is conducted by the Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch (NPH). All
counting is done by volunteers. Not all members are counters nor does a
counter have to be a member. Typically one person is the designated counter
for each day but other observers present assist with the spotting and
identification.  Counting is done from a steel observation tower with a
wooden floor. For wind protection on cold days, particularly in March, a
black plastic wind guard is installed around the tower's platform. This
platform easily accommodates ten people but on most busy days, no more than
five or six observers would be on it.  

The site lies within a publicly accessible property owned by the Niagara
Peninsula Conservation Authority. There is no charge for admittance. The
tower stands in the centre of a mowed area with a gravel ring road near the
outer edge. This provides lots of room to park vehicles (along the road)
and set up lawn chairs, telescopes and cameras. Toilet facilities are
present.  During the counting season, the NPH erect a counting board to
display seven day's worth of observation data for the public. The box
enclosing the sign contains brochures and silhouette sheets for the public
as well as bulletin boards with news and historical sighting records.


Directions to site:
To get to Beamer CA, take the QEW to Exit 71/72, follow Christie
St./Mountain St. to the top of the escarpment, turn right on Ridge Road
West, and go 1.6km to Quarry Rd. Turn right on Quarry Rd. and drive 100m to
the conservation area. Parking is normally available inside the park. If
parking at the entrance or on the roads, do NOT leave valuables in your

Please note: 1) Data in this report is not official until reviewed and 
finalized after the end of the season. ©2018 Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch.

2) Vehicular traffic into park is restricted in March because of construction 
on site. Visitors can park at the gate BUT DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR 

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