Hi everyone,

Flycatchers seem to be one of the most common groups today.  The meadow had
both Alder and Willow calling as well as a pair of Eastern Kingbirds, a
number of Leasts and a cooperative Yellow-bellied feeding low in shrubbery.

                Wilson's Warblers were in good voice in the meadow as well,
with a good mix of other species in the woods, although in smaller numbers
than over the past two days.

                Lots of vireo song, with many Philadephias low in shrubbery
in the meadow offering close-up views.

                Thrushes were singing in the woods, although keeping out of
sight for the most part.

                A singing Eastern Meadowlark along the Waterfront Trail just
to the west of the woods was the first I have encountered all spring.

                A pair of mockingbirds in the same area, were chasing a
Baltimore Oriole out of "their" tree, suggesting nesting in the
neighbourhood.  This is a good spot to see Orchard Orioles, as several pairs
nest along this part of the trail.


Directions to Thickson's Woods Nature Reserve

To get to Thickson's Woods, Exit from #401 to Thickson Rd. S.  Continue
south about 1.5 kilometres to the Waterfront Trail, where you will see a
large green sign on your left that says "Thickson's Woods Nature Reserve".
Park along the east side of Thickson Road north of the Waterfront Trail, and
walk east along the Waterfront Trail about 200 metres to where a pathway
enters the woods on your right. Trails lead through the woods with two
extending to the roadway on the south side of the woods along the shore of
Lake Ontario.  The roadways in the woods are the property of Thickson's
Woods Land Trust.  Birders are welcome to walk along the roadways, but
please park outside the gate.  Exceptions are made for handicapped folks who
are unable to walk about.

    The entrance to the meadow portion of the reserve is on the north side
of the Waterfront Trail opposite the entrance to the woods.

            The Waterfront Trail east of Thickson Road is now gated, so no
motorized vehicles can access it.  Please don't stand in the middle of the
Waterfront Trail while birding, as you may endanger cyclists and in-line
skaters, as well as yourself.




Dennis Barry & Margaret Carney

338 Crystal Beach Blvd.

Whitby, Ontario L1N 9Z7



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