Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

June 21, 2018

Like last week, it was relatively static and only expected birds were seen.
Of the less common nesters, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO was at Petrie Island on
the 15th and near Club de Ski Nakkertok on the 17th.  While we normally
don’t mention OWL sightings, there were 2 unusually late ones of SNOWY OWL,
one in Gatineau on the 15th and one in Orleans on the 17th.

Weather was mostly seasonal, with some rain and the hottest days of the
year so far.

Somewhat surprising were 6(!) LEAST BITTERNS observed on a canoe trip on
the Jock River (Goodwood Marsh) on the 20th, which proves that these
elusive birds are more common than it seems. Also seen there was a family

The only spots for BLACK TERN now seem to be the marshes in Quebec east of
Gatineau. 5 were seen at the Halte Routière east of Thurso on the 17th. A
LEAST BITTERN was at the Marais aux grenouillettes on the same day.    2
LEAST BITTERNS were at Baie McLaurin on the 19th.

An AMERICAN COOT and a LEAST BITTERN were at Shirley’s bay on the 16th.

A CASPIAN TERN was at the Moodie Drive Ponds on the 21st, an UPLAND
SANDPIPER was on Franktown road on the 19th, SANDHILL CRANE on Dwyer Hill
Road on the 17th, and LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL on the 16th at the Moodie
Drive Ponds.

Of the SONGBIRDS, a long trip in the western part of Gatineau Park on the 16
th produced 15 WARBLERS plus other birds. Likely any of the forested belt
there will produce something similar.

Among other SONGBIRDS:

·          A SEDGE WREN was west of Munster on the 20th, and on Montague
boundary Road on the 18th there was another plus an EASTERN TOWHEE.

·          2 PINE SISKINS were flying over north of Pink Road on the 18th.

·          A late TENNESSEE WARBLER was at Club de ski Nakkertok on the 17th.

·         2 GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLERS were near Thomas Dolan on the 17th.

·         Burnt Lands Provincial Park, as usual, was good for SPARROWS, in
particular on the 19th there were GRASSHOPPER, CLAY-COLOURED, and VESPER

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

*Reminder regarding access to the Shirley’s Bay Causeway:*

DND has amended our access procedure. You must call Range Control
(613-991-5740) for permission, state that you are an OFNC member and give
your name. Finally, you must call again when you have left the area.  DND
would also like to be informed if you see anyone on the property who should
not be there, such as boats in the bay or people fishing on the causeway.
They are trespassing and DND will deal with the situation.

The OFNC has provided DND with a list of OFNC members who HAVE SPECIFICALLY
REQUESTED access. DND will check, so make sure that your membership is up
to date and that you have requested that the OFNC put you on the access
list.  This list has already been sent to DND this spring and will be
updated occasionally.  To get on the next access list, please contact

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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