*Survey 1 of the Dundas IBA (ON005): Report*

The first-ever Dundas IBA Survey was conducted on June 16, 2018 in
Hamilton, Ontario. The day was quite warm, with a bit of light rain
interspersed throughout the morning. The high reached 28° C, making for
very hot afternoon conditions for a bird survey. Many counters were
undoubtedly more used to such surveys happening in mid-fall or winter
conditions, making this a new experience for many.

This count, which can also be more lengthily referred to as a "Dundas
Valley & Dundas Marsh Important Bird & Biodiversity Area Survey" was
conducted exclusively within natural lands found inside the boundary of the
IBA, which in short covers the Dundas Valley from Summit Musket through to
Spencer Creek into Cootes Paradise, extending to Burlington Heights.

To read more about this IBA, see <

For those familiar with the Christmas Bird Counts, this survey followed a
similar methodology, but did not include urban areas or backyard

This count included 14 volunteer counters who covered quite a lot of ground
throughout the day. While we did not cover all mapped zones, we did cover
all key areas. Counters employed three means of active transportation:
while most of the birding was by foot, eight kilometres was covered by
canoe (Cootes Paradise), and ten kilometres by bike (Hamilton-Brantford
Rail Trail).

Since this is the first survey, there are no comparisons that can be done
with previous results. That said, there are still a few interesting
discoveries in the data.

Of the nine "criteria species" (species that have at one time been present
in significant numbers within the IBA) that occur within the season, only
three were observed: Acadian Flycatcher, Chimney Swift, and Hooded Warbler.
This is not surprising, since five of the missing species have been
extremely scarce in recent years, with the Louisiana Waterthrush as the
only species known to breed in recent years that was not seen. This was
deemed a likely outcome however, since while this species did arrive during
migration this year, it did not remain past May.

In terms of sheer raw numbers, the top 10 species observed were: Red-winged
Blackbird (475), American Robin (265), Song Sparrow (166), House Sparrow
(154), American Goldfinch (148), European Starling (141), Red-eyed Vireo
(135), Yellow Warbler (134), Gray Catbird (122), Ring-billed Gull (119).

There were 10 species with 80% or higher distribution for reported zones
(in order of percentage of checklists present within): American Robin
(97%), Gray Catbird (90%), Northern Cardinal (87%), Indigo Bunting (87%),
Baltimore Oriole (87%), American Goldfinch (84%), Eastern Wood-Pewee (81%),
Blue Jay (81%), Song Sparrow (81%), Red-winged Blackbird (81%).

In contrast, there were 13 species that were highly localized; that is,
occurring in one checklist only: Blue-winged Teal, Hooded Merganser, Wild
Turkey, Common Loon, Pied-billed Grebe, Least Bittern, Great Egret,
Cooper's Hawk, Acadian Flycatcher, Bank Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Brown
Creeper, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pine Siskin.

There were a few surprise results.

A total of 6 Hooded Warblers were found in the western side of Dundas
Valley, which is a very healthy count for this Carolinian species.

A lone fledgeling Pine Siskin was observed at Iroquia Conservation Area,
which is a remarkably late date for this northern species which
infrequently breeds within this area before migrating back to northern

Highlights from the canoe-birding party included Least Bittern, Great
Egrets, a new colony of Bank Swallows, a Common Loon flyover, a Pied-billed
Grebe on breeding territory, some Yellow-throated Vireos, and so many Marsh
Wrens heard that a very conservative estimate had to be made by ear of 25,
with likely many more out of audible range.

One notable missed species was the Eastern Meadowlark, which has been seen
in recent years within the IBA but was not present within this count.

Since nearly all species on this list are likely to be breeding locally,
the author has not annotated any of the data with breeding status.

Thank you to all whom have assisted in this initial survey, including the
RBG and HCA for their assistance. The current plan is to conduct surveys
every five months, until data is collected for each calendar month. Our
second survey is expected to occur late November, followed a third survey
next April.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Porter
Compiler, Dundas IBA Survey 1


IBA Criteria Species for Spring/Summer

Observed in Survey 1:

Acadian Flycatcher
Chimney Swift
Hooded Warbler

Not found in Survey 1:

Barn Owl
Little Gull
Loggerhead Shrike
Louisiana Waterthrush
Prothonotary Warbler
Yellow-breasted Chat

Survey 1: Count Totals

Each line follows the format: species name, count, distribution (% of
checklists present within)

List is in taxonomic order.

*Denotes species adjusted lower to account for possible observation

Canada Goose    92    (23%)
Mute Swan    24    (13%)
Trumpeter Swan    4    (6%)
Wood Duck    34    (16%)
Blue-winged Teal    4    (3%)
Mallard    45    (19%)
Hooded Merganser    1    (3%)
Wild Turkey    8    (3%)
Common Loon    1    (3%)
Pied-billed Grebe    1    (3%)
Double-crested Cormorant    48    (10%)
Least Bittern    3    (3%)
Great Blue Heron    37    (26%)
Great Egret    4    (3%)
Green Heron    8    (13%)
Black-crowned Night-Heron    7    (16%)
Turkey Vulture    77    (55%)
* Osprey    4    (10%)
Cooper's Hawk    1    (3%)
* Bald Eagle    4    (6%)
Broad-winged Hawk    2    (6%)
Red-tailed Hawk    9    (23%)
Killdeer    11    (16%)
Spotted Sandpiper    7    (6%)
Ring-billed Gull    119    (42%)
Herring Gull    20    (26%)
gull sp.    10
Caspian Tern    25    (26%)
Common Tern    29    (13%)
Rock Pigeon    12    (10%)
Mourning Dove    55    (45%)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo    21    (39%)
Black-billed Cuckoo    7    (23%)
Chimney Swift    21    (29%)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird    12    (29%)
Belted Kingfisher    14    (32%)
Red-bellied Woodpecker    36    (58%)
Downy Woodpecker    47    (68%)
Hairy Woodpecker    17    (42%)
Downy/Hairy Woodpecker    1
Northern Flicker    23    (45%)
Pileated Woodpecker    14    (23%)
Eastern Wood-Pewee    64    (81%)
Acadian Flycatcher    1    (3%)
Alder Flycatcher    4    (10%)
Willow Flycatcher    4    (10%)
Empidonax sp.    1
Eastern Phoebe    9    (26%)
Great Crested Flycatcher    47    (65%)
Eastern Kingbird    25    (29%)
flycatcher sp. (Tyrannidae sp.)    1
Yellow-throated Vireo    7    (10%)
Warbling Vireo    27    (35%)
Red-eyed Vireo    135    (74%)
Blue Jay    93    (81%)
American Crow    60    (65%)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    9    (10%)
Tree Swallow    84    (39%)
Bank Swallow    15    (3%)
Barn Swallow    58    (32%)
Cliff Swallow    2    (3%)
Black-capped Chickadee    116    (77%)
Red-breasted Nuthatch    5    (13%)
White-breasted Nuthatch    35    (45%)
Brown Creeper    1    (3%)
House Wren    68    (71%)
Marsh Wren    27    (6%)
Carolina Wren    20    (42%)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher    17    (35%)
Eastern Bluebird    10    (16%)
Veery    5    (13%)
Wood Thrush    34    (39%)
American Robin    265    (97%)
Gray Catbird    122    (90%)
Brown Thrasher    4    (10%)
Northern Mockingbird    2    (6%)
European Starling    141    (42%)
Cedar Waxwing    87    (61%)
Ovenbird    2    (6%)
Blue-winged Warbler    33    (45%)
Mourning Warbler    3    (10%)
Common Yellowthroat    64    (65%)
Hooded Warbler    6    (6%)
American Redstart    42    (39%)
Yellow Warbler    134    (77%)
Chestnut-sided Warbler    5    (6%)
Pine Warbler    6    (13%)
Black-throated Green Warbler    1    (3%)
Chipping Sparrow    46    (61%)
Field Sparrow    44    (39%)
Savannah Sparrow    17    (10%)
Song Sparrow    166    (81%)
Swamp Sparrow    24    (23%)
Eastern Towhee    27    (39%)
Scarlet Tanager    29    (35%)
Northern Cardinal    88    (87%)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak    56    (71%)
Indigo Bunting    113    (87%)
Bobolink    5    (10%)
Orchard Oriole    4    (13%)
Baltimore Oriole    84    (87%)
Red-winged Blackbird    475    (81%)
Brown-headed Cowbird    63    (65%)
Common Grackle    89    (61%)
blackbird sp.    1
House Finch    15    (29%)
Pine Siskin    1    (3%)
American Goldfinch    148    (84%)
House Sparrow    154    (39%)

TOTAL birds counted     4469

Species counted     104
Other taxa counted (spuh, slash, or hybrid)     5

Robert Gerald Porter

Hamilton Naturalists' Club / Field Events Director
Weever Apps / Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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