Greetings Ontbirders

Presqu’ile Birding Report for the week of 6th July to 12th July


A surprising total of 52 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS and 11 LONG-TAILED DUCKS were 
seen between beaches 1 and 2 on July 8th. This same flock was seen again on 
July 12th. This flock is fairly far out and needs to be seen early in the 
morning on calm days before heat haze builds up! Up to 6 GADWALL have been 
reported this week off of Sebastopol Island and the 2 GREEN-WINGED TEAL 
reported last week were relocated today on natural beach. A RED-BREASTED 
MERGANSER flew past the Lighthouse today.

4 CHIMNEY SWIFTS were seen in the town of Brighton on July 12th.

A VIRGINIA RAIL was found in a somewhat odd location of Salt Pt on July 8th and 
another at the Marsh Boardwalk on July 8th and 11th. Families of COMMON 
GALLINULES can be found on the Marsh Boardwalk or easier at Brighton 
Constructed wetland.

The bird of the week was a PIPING PLOVER band number 064 a female who nested 
here in 2016. This bird was originally found on July 8th between Beach 1 and 2 
and relocated on July 12th in the same area. A single SEMIPALMATED PLOVER was 
also seen on July 8th in the same area. A WILSON’S PHALAROPE spotted by the 
Park Staff on High Bluff Island was a nice find. A SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER  was 
also spotted on Beach 1 July 12th. WILSON’S SNIPE could be heard winnowing from 
Beach 1 Parking lot on July12th and a GREATER YELLOWLEGS flew over Beach 1 
calling as it headed out to one of the islands. LESSER YELLOWLEGS were located 
at a couple of locations this week 2 July 10th on Huff Rd and 2 July 12th at 
the Constructed Wetlands. KILLDEER AND SPOTTED SANDPIPERS can easily be seen on 
the beaches of Presqu’ile as family groups are moving around.
The fall shorebird season is starting to kick off and the beaches at Presqu’ile 
look great! 

BONAPARTE’S GULL has been reported most days this week at Beach 1and Salt Pt 
with a high of 3 birds and the team studying COMMON TERN’S on Gull Island had a 
tern they thought was a FORSTER’S TERN flyby although not confirmed for sure at 
this point.

An AMERICAN BITTERN was seen on July 8th and LEAST BITTERN were seen numerous 
times this week along the Marsh Boardwalk.

A COOPERS’S HAWK was seen being harassed by a mob of birds opposite Louisiana 
Pond and a RED-TAILED HAWK flew over a residential yard on July 10th.

For those looking for swallows 7 CLIFF SWALLOWS were seen on July 8th on Huff 
RD and a mix of 150 SWALLOWS were seen at the same location July 10th. PURPLE 
MARTIN’S can still be seen around Lighthouse.

More common breeding birds such as EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE’S, GREAT CRESTED 
MARSH WRENS, WOOD THRUSH among others can be heard still singing in suitable 
habitats such as Newcastle Woods and Jobes Woods. Early morning is best!

readily being seen in residential backyards but can be also found looking in 
other locations in Park such as Lighthouse and Calf Pasture.

Thanks to all the observers and Park Staff who shared their findings for this 
report. Without them this would be a very short list!

Presqu’ile Provincial Park is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, just 
south of the town of Brighton.  It can be reached from either Hwy. 401 or Cty. 
Rd. 2 and is well signed.  A Park map can be found in the information tabloid 
available at the Park gate.  Presqu’ile’s two offshore islands – Gull and High 
Bluff – support a large multi-species colonial bird nesting area and access is 
not permitted during the breeding season.

Bill Gilmour


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