Dear Ontbirds subscribers,

The annual meeting of the Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC) was held on 8 
April 2018. At this meeting, the following changes were made (effective 1 
January 2018):

1. White Wagtail has been added to the Ontario list. This individual was of the 
yarrellii subspecies (Pied Wagtail), representing only the second documented 
record for this subspecies in North America. White Wagtail is also new to the 
South Review Zone and thus added to the South Review List.

2. Thayer's Gull has been removed from the Ontario checklist, as it was lumped 
with Iceland Gull by the American Ornithological Society. With the addition of 
White Wagtail and subtraction of Thayer's Gull, the Ontario checklist remains 
at 496 species.

2. Swainson’s Hawk has been removed from the South Review List, effective 1 
January 2018

3. Solitary Sandpiper (cinnamomea) has been added to the Subspecies Review 
List, effective 1 January 2018

4. Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni) has been removed from the Subspecies Review List, 
effective 1 January 2018

This year’s OBRC meeting minutes, as well as the updated Operating Guidelines, 
are available on the OFO website, here:

Past annual reports are available online at:

At this meeting the 3 year terms as voting OBRC members for Ken Burrell and Tim 
Lucas ended. The OBRC has elected Amanda Guercio and Barbara Charlton to 3 year 
terms going forward. The committee would like to thank all OFO members who took 
the time to submit nominations. I was re-elected to the chairperson role, while 
the remaining voting members are Donald Sutherland, Paul Pratt, Bill Lamond and 
Blake Mann. Mark Peck will continue as the non-voting Royal Ontario Museum 
Liaison. On behalf of the rest of the committee, I would like to thank Ken 
Burrell and Tim Lucas for their excellent service on the OBRC. Mike Burrell 
will continue as Secretary, while Barb Charlton and Ken Burrell will serve as 
Assistants to the Secretary.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind the Ontario birding 
community to submit your documentation of birds on the OBRC Review Lists as 
soon as possible – this facilitates timely voting by the committee and helps 
ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible. It also helps ensure your 
memory is fresh when writing the reports. Please don't assume others have 
documented a bird - the more reports we have on file, the more complete the 
record will be now and in the future. An online form is available at but the OBRC accepts submissions in any form 
(send them to the OBRC secretary (obrcsecretary at

Guidelines for submitting reports are available at .

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or any of the 
other OBRC members.

Josh Vandermeulen

OBRC Chair

joshvandermeulen at

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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