Hi All

This is the first day Gull Is. is open to the public and I went over this AM to 
check out the crossing and the birds.

Today waves were coming in from the south (Lake) side about 1 foot in height
Popham Bay was quite calm

Crossing: (apologise for mixing metric and Imperial units but I am of an of an 
age where this makes sense)
There is a large gravel island between Owen Pt and Gull Is. so the water 
crossing can be done in two shorter water walks.

*         175 meters of water, mostly 1 foot or less deep, though a section 
near the gravel island is 2 feet deep.  In this deeper section the waves added 
that extra foot a few times but footing was good

*         150 meter of gravel island

*         90 meters of water, again from 1 to 2 feet deep

So generally a pretty shallow crossing but as always beware of increasing waves 
and the seiche/storm surges can raise water an extra foot or two over a 
remarkably short time period.  If you go over in shorts you may find the Stable 
Flies annoying.

Rather sparse today.  A few Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers and Semipalmated 
Plovers, fewer than 20 of each, though they moved a lot to get a good count.  A 
dozen Sanderlings were flying around and there were 2 Lesser Yellowlegs and 1 
Turnstone.  The pond that is sometimes on Gull Is. was dry even after 
yesterday's good rain.

The calm water of Popham Bay allowed distant scope looks of 1 Red-necked Grebe, 
3 Horned Grebes, 2 Common Loons, 7 Wigeon and 2 Gadwall.  Still a number of 
Gulls (1 Black-backed), cormorants, Mute Swans, and Mallards around.

As always at this time of year birds are always coming and going here.

The duck hunt starts Sept 22 after which access to Gull Is. Will be restricted 
on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


David Bree | Sr. Natural Heritage Education Leader
Presqu'ile Provincial Park
328 Presqu'ile Parkway, Brighton, Ontario, K0K 1H0
P: 613 475-4324 ext. 225  W: OntarioParks.com

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let me know if you have any accommodation needs or require communication 
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