The White-eyed Vireo found by Roberta Kay on 30 Oct, and enjoyed by many
observers on a daily basis since then, continues today in Ottawa.  The bird
was seen this morning actively foraging in its favoured area a few metres
north of the parking area where the trail forks west and (north)easterly.

Folks looking for the bird should note that it continues to loosely
associate with a flock of up to five chickadees.  Carefully check the area
near the small creek immediately north of the trail intersection; the area
north of where the trail turns easterly; and the small meadow with the
single apple tree north of the trail intersection.   Patience may be
required: the bird will show well for a few moments then become difficult
to find for extended periods.

Directions:  Follow OTTAWA REGIONAL ROAD 174 (THE QUEENSWAY) in Ottawa’s
east end to CHAMPLAIN STREET opposite Place d’Orleans.  Follow CHAMPLAIN
STREET northerly for approximately one kilometre to the dead end with
parking for FRANCOIS DUPONT PARK.  The trail intersection and general area
favoured by the bird are just few steps north of the dead end.

Aaron Hywarren

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provincial birding organization.
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