This morning in Cobourg between 9am-12 noon I saw a female tanager on the
east side of College Street between James Street and King Street. My wife
said there was a yellow and green bird with a slight crest outside our
window and I rushed to look. After a moment's disorientation, I soon
concluded it was a female Summer Tanager because of the large and long
light-coloured beak, the full yellow underparts, and the fact that the
greenish wings were the same colour as the mantle and back.
I called Margaret Bain who rushed over and saw the bird and fully concurred
with my ID. The only thing that troubled me was was how bright the yellow
was when I first saw it, though it was in full sun. Later the yellow seemed
more subdued. I tried to make it into a Scarlet, but it just would not fit.

After some research by Margret we learned there have been at least 3 other
Summer Tanagers in Ontario this November, but no Scarlets. The closest
Scarlets are in Cape May and Florida; none in Ontario - they seem to have
all moved out. 

The bird flushed a number of times but usually landed within a hundred
yards. It was never higher than 20 feet or so, usually about 6 feet off the

Last seen before the rain two houses north of St. Peter's Church at the
north-east corner of College and King Streets. 

Rob Lonsberry came over to photograph the bird but we could not refind it.

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