The Port Burwell-Vienna Otter Valley Naturalists 12th CBC was held on Sunday, 
December 16th 2018.

Twenty-five participants enjoyed a beautiful day.

A total of 70 species were identified and 7002 birds counted.

New species on this count included: Lesser Black-backed Gull (1), Common Raven 
(1), and Eastern Phoebe (1).

Other notes: Great Blue Heron-2, Turkey Vulture-4,  Tundra Swans-6, Northern 
Shoveler-1, Redhead-8, Hooded Merganser-5, several Bald Eagles - including a 
kettle of 6, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-2, Northern Shrike-2, Carolina-6 and 
Winter Wren-2.

130 Eastern Bluebirds were seen.

Thanks to all participants.

Joe Stephenson
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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