Several days into 2019 the Ontario winter bird list stands at 197, following 
the addition of 8 new species since my last update on December 17, 2018. Last 
year at this time the list was 192 species (finishing with 200), while in 2016 
at this time the last was 207 species (finishing with 216). It is looking 
unlikely that the all-time record of 220 (from 2015-2016) will be surpassed, 
and we will likely finish somewhere between 204 and 207 species when it is all 
said and done.

The new additions since my last update include Great Gray Owl (several 
sightings in the north and one in southeastern Ontario), Eastern Meadowlark 
(several found on CBCs), Boreal Owl (north of Kingston), Eurasian Collared-Dove 
(two present in the north end of Hamilton), Virginia Rail (one heard at Keith 
McLean CA near Rondeau), Ovenbird (individuals coming to private yards in south 
Cambridge and Mississauga), Northern Rough-winged Swallow (one at Wallaceburg 
sewage treatment plant), and Dovekie (a deceased bird found in Whitby).

There are a handful of species that are typically reported in a given winter 
that are still missing from this winter’s list. They include Purple Sandpiper 
(observed in 11 of last 11 winters), Gray Partridge (11 of 11), Brewer’s 
Blackbird (11 of 11), Harris’s Sparrow (11 of 11), Black-legged Kittiwake (10 
of 11), Osprey (9 of 11), Eurasian Wigeon (8 of 11), Yellow-headed Blackbird (8 
of 11), California Gull (8 of 11), Blue-winged Teal (7 of 11), Blue-headed 
Vireo (7 of 11), Wilson’s Warbler (7 of 11), Pacific Loon (6 of 11), Eared 
Grebe (6 of 11), Black-headed Gull (6 of 11), Barn Owl (6 of 11), 
Yellow-throated Warbler (6 of 11) and Spotted Towhee (6 of 11).

The list can be viewed at . I have also provided a 
link on my blog, located at . I try to 
update the spreadsheet every couple of days or whenever I hear of a new 
addition. Please let me know if you hear of a new addition or any other 
correction to the spreadsheet.

Good birding,
Josh Vandermeulen

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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