Cold temperatures preceding the Pakenham-Arnprior CBC held on Boxing Day
resulted in all still water being frozen. Count day was also cold but
relatively calm, which allowed the 46 field observers to ascertain that the
lack of birds being heard in the woods was due to a lack of birds being
present in the woods.  The 15 feeder watchers contributed greatly to the
count total.

Total Species: 51 (ten-year average = 55)
Total Individuals: 5,542 (ten-year average = 7,221)

Notable absences were: gulls, Great Horned Owl, American Robin, crossbills,
blackbirds. Only 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet and 4 Brown Creepers were tallied.

Notable high counts were: 5 Northern Goshawks  (one shy of the record 6 in
1984); 128 Hairy Woodpeckers (new record); 37 Pileated Woodpeckers (new

Notable species were: Hooded Merganser (6th record); Merlin (10th record);
Long-eared Owl (4th record); White-crowned Sparrow (6th record).  The four
Snowy Owls were nowhere near the record 15 tallied in 2013, but still
constitute a good number for this Count.

Finch numbers were generally low, with only one Purple Finch recorded (at a
feeder with House Finches).  Other finches were: 20 Pine Grosbeaks, 20 House
Finches, 155 Common Redpolls, 2 Pine Siskins, 142 American Goldfinches, and
79 Evening Grosbeaks.

House Sparrows continue their decline, with 91 being tallied (the record
stands at 2,011 in 1984).

Happy Birding!

Michael Runtz

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