Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

February 7, 2019

The highlight of last week, the LAZULI BUNTING that had been coming to a
private feeder in the Iris/ Pinecrest area, was seen again on the 3rd-4th
 after being absent for several days, but it has not been reported since.
Aside from this, there was an unusual, possibly our first, February
sighting of a DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT, seen flying near Britannia on the 4

Weather on the weekend was poor for birding, and we added the usual cold,
and freezing rain on the 4th and 7th. Generally things have been dead
outside the feeders and the rivers.  However, at least there have been some
interesting birds coming to feeders and on the water.

BARROW’S GOLDENEYE was at Parc Brébeuf on the 6th and near Strathcona Park
on the 3rd.  The latest sightings of the lingering DUCKS were:

1.      LONG-TAILED DUCK in the Deschênes rapids on the 5th.

2.      NORTHERN PINTAIL in Britannia on the 5th.

3.      GADWALL at Pinecrest Creek on the 2nd.

4.      2 WOOD DUCKS at Billings Bridge on the 6th.

5.      AMERICAN WIGEON at Britannia on the 7th.

The GREAT BLUE HERON was last seen on Maritime Way on the 1st. The
RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER continues near Hilda Road as of the 7th.  A
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was in the northwestern portion of Larose Forest on
the 3rd, but unfortunately well-in on a ski only trail.

2 GRAY PARTRIDGE were on Sarsfield Road on the 3rd-4th.  CAROLINA WRENS
were at feeders in Navan and Orleans on the 3rd.

Other continuing birds included:

1.      ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK at the Dewberry Trail feeder as of the 3rd.

2.      RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD in Kanata on the 3rd.

3.      BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD in Russell on the 4th.

A PURPLE FINCH was in Orleans on the 2nd, one of few reports lately.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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