On 19 June 2019 two pelicans were photographed at Tiny Marsh, but were
apparently not found later that day.

On 20 June, these birds were relocated along the main north-south dyke
around noon. A few of us saw the pair around 1330 hrs, but they soon took
flight, lazily circled around the main marsh for several minutes and
eventually drifted off, high to the south-west and out of sight.

It may be worth re-checking the marsh in the following days.

Directions: Tiny Marsh is about 40 minutes NW of Barrie. From Elmvale,
go 2 km NW on Road 27, and then veer off to the left onto Road 6 and
continue another 1.5 km to Tiny-Flos Townline. Turn left (SW) on
townline and go about 3.5 km to the parking lot at the south end of
the N-S dyke (i.e., about 300 m east of the visitor's centre parking
area). Walk north on the dyke until you have a clear view of the
water/marsh to the east and west of the dyke. When swimming, the birds
were well to the east. A spotting scope is helpful, but not necessary.

P.S. Don't assume that a pair of huge white birds are the pelicans as
there are a couple of nesting pairs of Trumpeter Swan in the area.

Burke Korol
Barrie, ON
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