Hey folks,

It’s been a pretty good week for shorebirds and other interesting species here 
at the West Perth Wetlands.

Earlier this week a Western Sandpiper was observed and photographed in the 
first cell… but may have been flushed for good by visits from not one but TWO 
Peregrines this week.

However, several other good species were observed including:

SB Dowitchers (several)
Stilt Sandpipers (several)
Baird’s Sandpipers (up to 6 all juveniles)
Wilson’s Snipes (at least 2 to 3)
Black-bellied Plover (singles and pairs)
American Golden Plover (2 together this week)
White-rumped Sandpiper (single reported yesterday)

Still lots of Least, Semipalmated and Pectoral Sandpipers, Lesser and Greater 
Yellowlegs, Killdeer and Semipalmated Plovers around.

Other raptors this week (in addition to the Peregrines) included Cooper’s Hawk, 
Osprey and Merlin.

There’ve been multiple sightings of Great Blue Herons, Great Egrets and Green 

Waterfowl numbers and species variety are on the rise as well at the wetlands.

Good birding!
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