Holiday Beach Hawk Watch
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 14, 2019

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture               7             31             31
Osprey                       1              7              7
Bald Eagle                   3             32             32
Northern Harrier             1             94             94
Sharp-shinned Hawk           3            429            429
Cooper's Hawk                0             25             25
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk            3            377            377
Red-tailed Hawk              3             58             58
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel             1            183            183
Merlin                       1             18             18
Peregrine Falcon             0              4              4
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              1              1
Swainson's Hawk              0              1              1

Total:                      23           1260           1260

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Maryse Gagne

Observers:        Andy Parsons, Bob Pettit, Dorothy McLeer, Elizabeth Kent,
                  Hugh Kent, Larry Ludwicki

Thank you to all who stopped-by our little makeshift hawk observatory by
the baseball diamonds in Malden Center. We had Deb and Julie from Ohio, and
many other potential festival goers who stopped after seeing a group of
people on the side of the road all wearing binoculars. 

After yesterday's storm, we had a gorgeous day at Holiday Beach and Malden
Center where we continued our count (see below in observations). Winds came
from the West and South-West all day, not bringing many raptors.  

Raptor Observations:
We did not see many raptors today, with unfavourable winds and a change of
location (see below). In total, we counted 23 birds, a few Red-tailed
hawks, Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagles and a Merlin to finish off the day. 

Non-raptor Observations:
Unfortunately, the park suffered extensive damage and we were asked to
leave the tower after doing an hour of counting. We relocated to Malden
Center, a few kilometers North to finish counting, without the risk of
branches falling on our heads. Thank you to the Essex Region Conservation
Area (ERCA) crew for working so hard. 

At the tower, we observed many warbler, notably a Northern Parula and many
Magnolia warblers. We also counted 20 Chimney Swifts. 
At Malden Center, we observed 8 Horned Larks, and 128 Monarchs. 

Hawk Tower: 

Malden Center:

Tomorrow, we hope to able to count at the tower again, however we will wait
for the go-ahead from ERCA. We are expecting winds from the South-West all
day and some rain the afternoon. Hoping more Sharp-shinned hawks, Merlins
and Kestrels will decide to migrate in front of us tomorrow. 
Report submitted by Maryse Gagne (
Holiday Beach Hawk Watch information may be found at:

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