This year’s count was held Sunday, December 15. The day featured 30 kph winds 
(with gusts to 50 kph) and gradually dropping temperatures throughout the day. 
A total of 61 species were found by over a hundred field observers. The species 
total was the third lowest in the last 30 years.

There were no real highlights, with one spectacular exception: a Norther Fulmar 
that appeared mid-afternoon over and on the Ottawa River, below the Deschênes 
Rapids. The bird remained until dark but was not relocated the next day.

Other interesting sightings included three species of mimids, including 2 
Northern Mockingbirds (rare residents here), Gray Catbird (5th record), and 
Brown Thrasher (8th record).

A record high was set for Wild Turkey (171), and American Crow (15, 000+) and 
Common Raven (100+) counts were among the highest recorded for this count. 

There were 163 Cedar Waxwing but no Bohemian Waxwings. Winter Finches (aside 
from the ever-present HOFIs and AMGOs) were almost completely absent with only 
one Purple Finch and two Evening Grosbeaks reported.

Woodpecker and White-breasted Nuthatch numbers continue to drop form their 
record highs set a few years ago, as the Emerald Ash Borer invasion seems to 
have run its course.

Thanks to my co-compiler, Daniel Toussaint, of the Club des ornithologues de 
l’Outaouais; the sector leaders, and all of the volunteers.

Bernie Ladouceur
Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club
CBC compiler

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