It was foggy day for the Carleton Place CBC this year with 34 intrepid souls in 
the field and 27 peopling the feeders.  Despite the poor visibility for much of 
the day the result was close the 10 year average with 44 species and 5327 
individuals observed.

Highlights were a Northern Hawk Owl which had moved from its Ottawa region 
locale to just inside the circle for Count day.  As well two Bards (not poets, 
though there were some in the field!) were seen.   New records were set for 
Pileated Woodpeckers at 21 and White-breasted Nuthatch at 194.  A Chipping 
Sparrow continues to survive the winter at a town feeder.  A number of raptors 
were seen (RT,RL, Bald, and Coopers) but not a single Snowy this year!

Count week produced a Saw-Whet Owl and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.   As well a 
Ring-necked Pheasant was clearly heard but it is most likely an escapee.

On the down side there were very few finches of any type other than 
Goldfinches.  The geese had all decided enough was enough and fled south.  Not 
a single Shrike was seen and this area usually produces a number. Perhaps they 
are staying with the finches up north; never a good idea to leave a restaurant 
when there is still food on the plate.

The day ended with food and refreshments at the CP Library provided by MVFN who 
supports the CBC every year.

Thanks to all that participated and a Fab New year to all.


PS: lets make America Greta Again!

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