Hello Ontbirders,
Saturday proved to be a very nice and mild day for birding Toronto's "Urban 
Wilderness" The Leslie Street Spit.
Fifty-five participants took advantage of the spring like conditions and joined 
me for a nice long walk and a rewarding outing.
The total number of species seen by the group was 36. Additionally two 
individuals separately observed an American Kestrel and a Northern Flicker. 
Passerines were scarce but their was an excellent variety of waterfowl, 
including Canvasback, Tundra Swan, Northern Pintail, Northern Shoveller and 
Surf Scoter. 
The highlight and a lifer for several participants was a very co-operative but 
distant Red-shouldered Hawk. The group was able to have excellent scope views 
of this lovely adult bird. 
Here is a link to the entire ebird checklist 
:https://ebird.org/checklist/S63011087Much thanks to Nancy McPherson for 
compiling the list.
Good Birding,Garth
Garth Riley Etobicoke, Ontario rile...@yahoo.com
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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