Last evening I tried to convince myself I saw a Lark Sparrow, but I wasn't
able to confirm the sighting until this evening when a Lark Sparrow did
appear on the wires around 7:10 P.M. on the Walsingham West Quarterline Rd,
between RR#60 and the 4th Concession (dirt 4th through Wilson Tract).
It was perched on the wires toward the bottom of the road roughly 6 hydro
poles from the sand rd. Lighting was poor, so I'm not sure if it was an
adult, or in 1st winter plumage, but the head pattern and other field marks
were unmistakable. There is a lot of potential breeding habitat in the
area, so I wonder if it had a territory locally or wandered in from further

Directions: From the Busy Bee gas station at HWY 59 and 24 head west on
RR#60 before turning left (south) onto the West Quarterline Rd. Drive
towards the end of the road and check the wires and restored fields.

Happy Birding,

Adam Timpf
Walsingham, ON

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