Greetings birders,

There is high shorebird diversity on Gull Island today with 15 spp.
recorded so far. Highlights include...

*WESTERN SANDPIPER: 1 brightly-coloured, long-billed, fresh juvenile on the
east and south shores of Gull Island (seen by Ron Tozer and myself;
photographed and videoed)
*HUDSONIAN GODWITS: 2 continuing juveniles alternating between Sebastopol
Is. and the northwest shore of Gull Is.
*RED KNOT: 1 continuing juvenile bird on Sebastopol Is.
*WHIMBREL: 1 continuing juv. alternating between north and south shores of
Gull Is.
*AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER: 2 juvs. alternating between Sebastopol Is. and
north shore of Gull Is.

There is also a HORNED LARK in the barrens on the west end of Gull Is. An
imm. PEREGRINE FALCON passed Gull Is. mid-morning.

As per previous reports, the maximum water depth between Owen Point and
Gull Island is about two feet, and the water was markedly warmer than the
air this morning!

Presqu'ile Provincial Park is well signed south of Highway 401 exit 509

Good birding!


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