There is a juvenile Western Sandpiper at Wildwood Lake, north Oxford County, 
first reported and very nicely photographed by Bill Chan on Aug 19 and also 
seen by multiple observers today. The reported location is the 31st line berm 
trail, although the mud flats here can be extensive in fall and birds can roam 
widely so it might take some effort.
The bird in question is archetypal Western, with a strikingly long bill, so 
should stand out markedly from associating peeps. Although formerly (70’s-90’s) 
a semi regular rarity in Oxford, especially at this location, WESA has become 
genuinely scarce, with no records in 12 years. Thanks to Matt Parsons for 
bringing this record to our attention.
Directions - from 37th line, go west on 28 through Harrington to the 31st line, 
north on 31 about 1km to the berm trail, which will be on the east side of the 
road and fairly poorly marked…I haven’t actually been in awhile but, back in 
the day, the trail was marked with large rocks and a Ducks Unlimited sign.
James Holdsworth, Biological Consulting Services226-228-1428,
'If one does not fail at times, then one has not challenged himself.'' - 
Ferdinand Porsche
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