Just after I sent the previous email out, Julie advised that the bird had
returned to the same location.

On Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 13:44 Mike V.A. Burrell <mike.burrell...@gmail.com>

> Hello birders,
> This morning (November 29), Julie Belliveau found and photographed a
> FIeldfare feeding in fruiting trees in Sturgeon Falls, between North Bay
> and Sudbury. The bird was seen several times visiting Mountain Ash trees in
> the vicinity this morning. There are just three previous reports for
> Ontario, the last being one that spent part of the winter in Toronto in
> 1981. Congratulations Julie!
> The OFO Rare Bird Ambassador Program has been engaged to provide a viewing
> opportunity for birders that keeps the community in mind. Birders are
> welcome to try to see the bird and I will post any updates here from Julie
> if it is seen again. If you do visit please keep these considerations in
> mind:
> 1. This is a residential neighborhood, please be respectful! Under no
> circumstance are you permitted to enter people's private property. It does
> not sound like this would be necessary anyways. Walking the neighborhood
> searching the fruiting trees along the roads is your best bet for finding
> this exciting bird.
> 2. Please do not park on the residential streets. Instead, use the
> municipal parking lot at the municipal beach/tennis courts at the end of
> Main Street (https://maps.app.goo.gl/2fhgdWV5qCTaYJrW9). This is an
> approximately 5-10 minute walk from where the bird was seen this morning.
> If you have mobility challenges and must park closer, ensure you are not
> blocking driveways or snow clearing activities. If the bird remains for the
> weekend, weekend parking may be possible at the nearby schools.
> 3. The bird was seen around the intersection of Michaud St and North St (
> https://maps.app.goo.gl/2fhgdWV5qCTaYJrW9). In addition to being
> respectful of private property, be aware there is a school across from this
> intersection so there will be significant traffic of kids to and from
> school. Do not impede their traffic.
> 4. If you report the bird to eBird, please use the "stakeout hotspot" that
> will appear nearby.
> Directions: From North Bay, travel west on Hwy 17 to the town of Sturgeon
> Falls. Turn right onto Main St (just after the Tim Hortons) and take that
> until the end of the road, which is the municipal beach/parking area. After
> parking, walk two blocks east on Ethel St to Church St and turn north. The
> bird could be anywhere in this neighbourhood to the northeast of this
> intersection.
> Good luck!
> Mike Burrell on behalf of the OFO Rare Bird Ambassador Program
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