Spammers out there are being very disrepectful of my fullnode resources these days! I'm making some changes. In case others are interested, here's a description:

There is now a maximum size for the memory pool. Space is allocated with a pretty simple rule. For each tx, I calculate MY COST of continuing to hold it in the mempool. I measure the cost to me by "expected byte stay":

expectedByteStay = sizeBytes * expectedBlocksToConfirm(feeRate)

Rule 1: When there's not enough space for a new tx, I try to make space by evicting txes with expectedByteStay higher than tx.

I'm NOT worrying about
 - Fees
   EXCEPT via their effect on confirmation time

 - Coin age
   You already made money on your old coins.  Pay up.

   Child's expectedBlocksToConfirm is max'ed with its
   parent, then parent expectedByteStay is ADDED to child's

 - Replacement
   You'll get another chance in 2 hours (see below).

Rule 2: A transaction and its dependents are evicted on its 2-hour anniversary, whether space is required or not

The latest expectedBlocksToConfirm(feeRate) table is applied to the entire mempool periodically.

What do you think? I'll let you know how it works out. I'm putting a lot of faith in the new fee estimation (particularly its size independence). Another possibility is clog-ups by transactions that look like they'll confirm next block, but don't because of factors other than fees (other people's blacklists?)

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