> On 30 Jul 2015, at 06:14, Tom Harding via bitcoin-dev 
> <bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> Another empirical fact also needs explaining.  Why have average fees *as
> measured in BTC* risen during the times of highest public interest in
> bitcoin?  This happened without block size pressure, and it is not an
> exchange rate effect -- these are raw BTC fees:
> https://blockchain.info/charts/transaction-fees?timespan=all&daysAverageString=7
> <https://blockchain.info/charts/transaction-fees?timespan=all&daysAverageString=7>

I've not published any new figures for about 8 months (will try to do that this 
weekend), but the thing that that chart doesn't show is what's actually 
happening to fees per transaction. Here's a chart that does: 

The data is also taken from blockchain.info so it's apples-for-apples. It shows 
that far from a fees going up they spent 3 years dropping. I just ran a new 
chart and the decline in fees continued until about 8 weeks when the "stress 
tests" first occurred. Even so, they're still below the level from the end of 
2013. By comparison the total transaction volume is up about 2.4x to 2.5x 
(don't have the exact number).

> ... more evidence that conclusively refutes the conjecture that a
> production quota is necessary for a "functioning fee market."  A
> production quota merely pushes up fees.  We have a functioning market,
> and so far, it shows that wider bitcoin usage is even more effective
> than a quota at pushing up fees.

I think it's equally easy to argue (from the same data) that wider adoption has 
actually caused wallet users to become much more effective at fee selection. 
Miners (as expected, assuming that they hadn't formed a cartel) have continued 
to accept whatever fees are available, no matter how small. Only where there 
has been an element of scarcity have we actually seen miners do anything but 
take whatever is offered.

Clearly history is not an accurate indicator of what might happen in the 
future, but it seems difficult to argue that there has been any sort of fee 
market emerge to date (other than as a result of scarcity during the stress 

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