

These are all good points and I agree with most of them. Yes, the block size 
debate is a lucky historical accident, which makes it easier for XT to pull off 
the split, but that's not the point.

The point is, the split _must_ happen because the centralized governance of 
Bitcoin became a bigger problem than the risks of a fork or larger blocks.

You cannot govern a decentralized currency with a centralized entity.

That's why we shouldn't fear hard forks - they are the new reality, and if we 
cannot set up a reliable process for them to happen then there _is_ no 
decentralized Bitcoin and we all might as well just give up and go home.


And that's why it would be nice to have a more complex voting mechanism in the 
block header (see this proposal for the new header format, for example: and other initiatives to make 
forking more reliable and user choice easier.

This is a better path than trying to suppress all forks by dictatorship methods 
of the few currently in power.

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