
  BIP: 1xx
  Title: Dynamically Controlled Bitcoin Block Size Max Cap
  Author: Upal Chakraborty <>
  Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Created: 2015-08-24


This BIP proposes replacing the fixed one megabyte maximum block size
with a dynamically controlled maximum block size that may increase or
decrease with difficulty change depending on various network factors.
I have two proposals regarding this...

i. Depending only on previous block size calculation.

ii. Depending on previous block size calculation and previous Tx fee
collected by miners.


With increased adoption, transaction volume on bitcoin network is
bound to grow. If the one megabyte max cap is not changed to a
flexible one which changes itself with changing network demand, then
adoption will hamper and bitcoin's growth may choke up. Following
graph shows the change in average block size since inception...


===Proposal 1 : Depending only on previous block size calculation===

  If more than 50% of block's size, found in the first 2000 of the
last difficulty period, is more than 90% MaxBlockSize
      Double MaxBlockSize
  Else if more than 90% of block's size, found in the first 2000 of
the last difficulty period, is less than 50% MaxBlockSize
      Half MaxBlockSize
      Keep the same MaxBlockSize

===Proposal 2 : Depending on previous block size calculation and
previous Tx fee collected by miners===

  TotalBlockSizeInLastButOneDifficulty = Sum of all Block size of
first 2008 blocks in last 2 difficulty period
  TotalBlockSizeInLastDifficulty = Sum of all Block size of second
2008 blocks in last 2 difficulty period (This actually includes 8
blocks from last but one difficulty)

  TotalTxFeeInLastButOneDifficulty = Sum of all Tx fees of first 2008
blocks in last 2 difficulty period
  TotalTxFeeInLastDifficulty = Sum of all Tx fees of second 2008
blocks in last 2 difficulty period (This actually includes 8 blocks
from last but one difficulty)

  If ( ( (Sum of first 4016 block size in last 2 difficulty
period)/4016 > 50% MaxBlockSize) AND (TotalTxFeeInLastDifficulty >
TotalTxFeeInLastButOneDifficulty) AND (TotalBlockSizeInLastDifficulty
> TotalBlockSizeInLastButOneDifficulty) )
      MaxBlockSize = TotalBlockSizeInLastDifficulty * MaxBlockSize /
  Else If ( ( (Sum of first 4016 block size in last 2 difficulty
period)/4016 < 50% MaxBlockSize) AND (TotalTxFeeInLastDifficulty <
TotalTxFeeInLastButOneDifficulty) AND (TotalBlockSizeInLastDifficulty
< TotalBlockSizeInLastButOneDifficulty) )
      MaxBlockSize = TotalBlockSizeInLastDifficulty * MaxBlockSize /
      Keep the same MaxBlockSize


These two proposals have been derived after discussion on
[ BitcoinTalk] and
bitcoin-dev mailing list]. The original idea and its evolution in the
light of various arguements can be found
[ here].

===Proposal 1 : Depending only on previous block size calculation===

This solution is derived directly from the indication of the problem.
If transaction volume increases, then we will naturally see bigger
blocks. On the contrary, if there are not enough transaction volume,
but maximum block size is high, then only few blocks may sweep the
mempool. Hence, if block size is itself taken into consideration, then
maximum block size can most rationally be derived. Moreover, this
solution not only increases, but also decreases the maximum block
size, just like difficulty.

===Proposal 2 : Depending on previous block size calculation and
previous Tx fee collected by miners===

This solution takes care of stable mining subsidy. It will not
increase maximum block size, if Tx fee collection is not increasing
and thereby creating a Tx fee pressure on the market. On the other
hand, though the block size max cap is dynamically controlled, it is
very difficult to game by any party because the increase or decrease
of block size max cap will take place in the same ratio of average
block size increase or decrease.


This is a hard-forking change to the Bitcoin protocol; anybody running
code that fully validates blocks must upgrade before the activation
time or they will risk rejecting a chain containing
larger-than-one-megabyte blocks.

==Other solutions considered==

Making Decentralized Economic Policy] - by Jeff Garzik

[ Elastic block cap
with rollover penalties] - by Meni Rosenfeld

Increase maximum block size] - by Gavin Andresen

[ Block size
following technological growth] - by Pieter Wuille

[ The Bitcoin
Lightning Network: Scalable Off-Chain Instant Payments] - by Joseph
Poon & Thaddeus Dryja


If consensus is achieved, deployment can be made at a future block
number at which difficulty will change.
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